A bright pink cover saying "cover reveal coming soon". Text: Courtney Milan, the Earl who Isn't

The Earl who Isn’t

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    about the book | excerpt | code name | content notes

Nobody knows that Andrew Uchida is the rightful heir of an earl. Not his friends, not his neighbors, not even the yard-long beans growing in his experimental garden. If the truth of his existence became public, the blue-blooded side of his family would stop at nothing to make him (and anyone connected with him) disappear. He shared one passionate night with the woman he loved…and allowed himself that only because she was leaving for Hong Kong the next morning.


Then Lily Bei returns, armed with a printing press, her irrepressible spirit, and a sheaf of inconvenient documents that prove the very thing Andrew wants concealed: that he is actually the legitimate, first born son of the Earl of Arsell.


What’s Andrew to do, when the woman he’s always desired promises him everything he’s never wanted? Andrew’s track record of saying no to Lily is nonexistent. The only way he can avert impending disaster is by stealing the evidence… while trying desperately not to fall in love (again) with the woman he shouldn’t let into his life.

The Wedgeford Trials Reading Order


“Soon, we will have reviews of this book.”

—but not yet

Code Name

All of my books get code names. I have known that I will be writing this book, and what the vague outline of it was, since the first Wedgeford book, which you will know when (muffled noises) shows up on the screen and tells you what he was doing.


In any event, this isn't enough of a spoiler for me to embargo the code name: the code name for this book is "The Earl of Arse."


Excerpt coming soon.

Content Notes

Content Notes will show up here just before release day!