To the extent that I have a reputation in the online community of authors and readers, I’ve staked it on trying to speak clearly,…
I am in a happy place, because I finished a book! This is exciting, and so I’m going to talk about something even more exciting:…
I have a set of pet peeves about the discussion of legalities in 19th century Britain.
One of those pet peeves looks like this: “A…
Did I say yesterday that going to the Records office wasn’t sexy? I lied. I lied very much. It gave me a thrill down to my nerdy little…
I realize that there’s a lot of confusion about what the First Amendment actually protects.* So I thought it would be useful to…
The main argument I’ve heard for the FTC guidelines so far is this: “It’s just disclosure. How hard is it to disclose where you…
But Courtney, someone somewhere is saying, you are an author. You make money on intellectual property. Don’t you favor…
I think maybe one of the reasons I don’t see eye-to-eye with other people about copyright is that I don’t see copyright…
So, here’s a moral dilemma. I mean, it’s not a dilemma. It is more like a little bit of moral tension.
I have some very…
I’ve been meaning to flog my workshop–uh, I mean, tell you how much you really want to go to my workshop at the