How Long is too Long?

So, here’s a moral dilemma.  I mean, it’s not a dilemma.  It is more like a little bit of moral tension. I have some very…

Open Letter to Borders

Dear Borders, I’m really rooting for you to stay in business.  I love browsing your shelves, and although there are a number…

What do we think?

So this last month has been a bit of an experiment for me.  My goal–which was met–was to post every business day of the month,…


So I’m getting my official photo taken today.  I really hate getting my picture taken.  Part of the problem is that when I was…

Happy February!

A few things to notice about this beautiful February day which is not quite the first of February. First, as I mentioned when I talked…

Out of Order

Writers know that there are two kinds of writers.  People who plot.  And people who make the plot up on the seat of their pants.  I’m…

Well Witched

I tend to read a wide variety of books, including fantasy and science fiction.  And that means that I have gravitated towards YA reading…