RWA 2011

In a few weeks, I will be at RWA’s 2011 conference. I’m really looking forward to this for a number of reasons. What does…

Dear agents

In the last 24 hours, I have heard not one, not two, not three, but five separate tales of woe about agents attempting to wrest certain…

In defense of editors

So, I talked earlier about the whole notion of paying percentages. I want to mention one last thing about it, and that’s the notion…

Print: What do you think?

So I’ve been thinking about print copies. Print copies of full-length books will be available as soon as I can make them available–hopefully…

Unlocked is here!

Yes, Unlocked. You are wondering: What is Unlocked? Well, I know that a lot of people were worried that the wait between Unveiled (Ash’s…