Blog update

This is the new theme.  I’m still tweaking it but I think I got all the major non-display screwy bugs out.  Please let me know…


I just realized I was also supposed to announce the winners of the proof copies of the Dangerous Book of Excerpts. So, the winners are:…

GOTH winner (and squees)

The winner of the ARC of Goddess of the Hunt is . . . Lorelei Brown!  Yay! Lorelei, e-mail me your address and it will go out in the mail tomorrow.…

‘Scuse the mess

I’m fiddling with the appearance of the blog at the moment.  Might take me a couple of days to sort out.…

Excerpt & bonus!

I’ve finally posted a short teaser excerpt (700 words) for my October novella, “This Wicked Gift.”  There’s…

June (and winners)

First things first: The winner of the Jackie Barbosa giveaway is…. Sarah Anderson!  Yay, Sarah!  Send me your snail mail address…